On the report


Central administration, regulator

Participants of the electricity market

Contractors and subcontractors

Investment environment

Industry organisations

Scientific and research institutions

Employees and potential employees


PSE set reporting standards in Poland and in the industry.

The report for the year 2017 is the first to collect the data on the company’s impact on its environment.

The report was prepared in line with the IIRC Guidelines and GRI Standards.

On the reporting process

We are continuously improving the reporting process

We are proud to present the first, both in the history of our organisation and in the industry, report containing the data on PSE’s impact on the environment. When developing for the second time the report which presents in an integrated manner the financial and non-financial data we decided to enrich it with the calculations of the company’s impact on economy and public finances, society and natural environment. This is already the fourth social report of our organisation, and the second report which is integrate and published in an interactive form.

The primary objectives of PSE for the report development included the demonstration of the scale of impact that PSE exerts on its environment, provision of responses to the stakeholders’ expectations relating to the disclosure of financial and non-financial information, enhancement of PSE’s transparency. Moreover, we considered it important to present the updated business strategy of Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne as well as to visualise how our activities translate into the transmission tariff and electricity bills.

GRI 102-54 With the aim to ensure the high reporting quality, in preparing this report we followed the guidelines of the International Integrated Reporting Council and the Global Reporting Initiative Standards (GRI Standards), Core compliance option. In financial reporting we followed the requirements of the Accounting Act of 29 September 1994. (Journal of Laws of 2016, item 1047, as amended).

We prepared sections on PSE’s impact on the environment following the methodology developed by Deloitte on the basis of the model by Wassily Leontief, called also the inter-branch flow model or Input-Output model. The method focuses on studying the interdependencies between branches of economy and enterprises. This model was based on the most recent inter-branch flow tables in current basic prices for domestic production in 2010, published by the Central Statistical Office in 2014. To demonstrate the extent of the impact exerted by our activities on economy and society we used three areas of key importance for the economic growth: added value, jobs and wages.

The impact of PSE on the Polish economy in 2017

Fig. 1. Inter-branch flow model visualisation Source: own study Deloitte.

GRI 102-50  GRI 102-51  GRI 102-52 The report presented covers data from 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2017 and selected 2018 data showing the current picture of Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne. We published the last report at the end of 2017. We committed ourselves to publish subsequent reports every year as the integrated reports supplemented by impact indicators.

Fig. 2. PSE reporting process

GRI 102-43 Preparation of the report is one of the stages of the social dialogue that PSE periodically conducts with its stakeholders based on the AA 10000 SES standard.

GRI 102-46 Selection of issues for the report

In line with the international guidelines, the process of selecting issues proceeded in three stages:








  • workshops with employees,
  • review of industry reports,
  • analysis of internal documents.

GRI 102-42 The analysis also identified our stakeholder groups.



A survey conducted among external stakeholders, mainly among participants of the third dialogue session.
Our stakeholders include primarily:

Fig. 3. PSE stakeholders

The basis for the identification of stakeholders was the conducted analysis of PSE’s strategic documents and internal consultations with the OU.

The survey was conducted among nearly 50 stakeholders where nearly 60% of participants were the representatives of the entities who took part in the dialogue session conducted last year in accordance with the AA1000SES standard.

The survey allowed to identify the most important business issues and topics relating to sustainable development to be discussed in the report, as well as the areas of impact.

In parallel, workshops on PSE impact measurement were organised for the representatives of organisational units (departments, offices) with the aim to define the key areas of PSE impact, together with assigning the indicators to these areas.


Organisation of an internal validation workshop with the participation of the executives and managers in order to confirm the report concept and issues to be reported.

In the framework of the meeting, the materiality matrix including the key topics to be reported and the report content structure was accepted. 

Fig. 4. Approach to the report structure

Materiality Matrix

GRI 102-47 Based on the results of a questionnaire survey, preceded by a dialogue session and an internal workshops, 32 material topics were identified from 4 areas of responsibility:

  • to the market,
  • at the workplace,
  • to society,,
  • to the natural environment.

Material issues which should be included in the report, in the opinion of our company and its stakeholders, are presented in the matrix.

  • Responsibility to the market
  • Responsibility to society
  • Responsibility at the workplace
  • Responsibility to the natural environment

Evaluation of materiality according to the environment: evaluation by the environment – external stakeholders (dialogue session), evaluation for the interior of the organisation (employee survey).

  • Issues of very high materiality
  • Issues of medium materiality
0,5 0,5 0 1

Materiality for internal stakeholders

Materiality for the environment

Issues material to the organisation

Issues material to the organisation
and the environment

Issues material to the environment


Management of the regulatory risk arising from provisions of the Clean Energy for All Europeans package (substantive support to government administration)


Employee health-promoting benefits and programmes


Value-based organisation culture


Preserving biodiversity in investment project implementation areas


Availability and transparency of company data material to business partners


New Health Safety Environment Quality (HSEQ) management model


Pay level and employment conditions (job evaluation)


Training and method of ensuring employee development (including talent development programmes, incentive schemes)


Building human capital – description of measures taken to foster future human resources, new competences within the organisation.


Method of dialogue with employees (including complaint management)


Method of knowledge management in the organisation


Adaptive capacity of the company: know-how, structures and internal procedures prepared for quick legislative changes taking place in the energy market, and the technical and organisational requirements of new solutions.


Structure of the power system in Poland and the role of PSE


Long-term security of electricity supply (preventing the blackout risk) – implementing the capacity market and supporting tools


Management of the risk of infrastructure unavailability, including critical infrastructure assets


Strengthening innovation and implementing new technologies


Transmission system development plan


Representing the interests of the national electricity market in the European electricity market


Focus on solutions aimed at adjusting the Polish Power System to the new design of the markets and new technologies (including the energy storage methods, e-mobility, distributed generation – energy from RES)


Winning social acceptance for line routes (including the acquisition of transmission rights of way)


Promoting energy security knowledge and implemented educational programmes


Responsibility to the natural environment in project implementation


Minimising impact on the natural environment in PSE's operations


Improving the new infrastructure investment implementation model


Upgrading the methods and tools supporting the zonal balancing market


PSE CG Cyber Security Programme


Ethics and transparency in relations with business partners (including tendering procedures)


Requirements and standards of cooperation with contractors and subcontractors (new method of contracting – implementation of the Contractor Qualification System)


Ethics in internal relations


Social communication around investment projects


Dialogue and way of fostering relations with local authorities and social partners around projects being implemented


Minimising the negative social impact of projects being implemented (noise, interference with the landscape)

The colours reflect the respective areas:

  • Market
  • Workplace
  • Social
  • Environment

Fig. 5. Materiality Matrix

Topics material to PSE and the environment

GRI 103-1  GRI 102-44

Topics material to PSE and boundaries of their impact included in the report

Responsibility to the market

Topics defined as material

Topics covered by GRI standards

Impact of topic within the organisation

Impact of topic outside the organisation

Structure of the power system in Poland
and PSE's role *
GRI 103-1

GRI 103-1

GRI 103-2

GRI 103-2  

Organisation profile

Economic performance


In particular material to customers

Long-term security of electricity supply (preventing the blackout risk) – implementing the capacity market and supporting tools*

GRI 103-1

GRI 103-2

GRI 103-2

Indirect economic impact


PSE, Customers

In particular material to customers

Management of the risk of infrastructure unavailability, including critical infrastructure assets*

GRI 103-1

GRI 103-2



PSE, Customers

In particular material to customers

Strengthening innovation and implementing new technologies

GRI 103-1

GRI 103-1

GRI 103-2



PSE, Customers

In particular material to customers

Transmission system development plan

GRI 103-1

GRI 103-2

GRI 103-1



PSE, Customers, Regulator

In particular material to the regulator and customers

Improving the new infrastructure investment implementation model*

GRI 103-1

GRI 103-2





PSE, Contractors,
and Suppliers


In particular material to contractors,
and suppliers

PSE CG Cyber Security Programme

GRI 103-1

GRI 103-2

GRI 103-2


PSE, participants of the electricity market

In particular material to owner and participants of the electricity market

Representing the interests of the national electricity market in the European electricity market*

GRI 103-1

GRI 103-1


PSE, participants of the electricity market

In particular material to owner and participants of the electricity market

Management of the regulatory risk arising
from the provisions of the Clean Energy for All Europeans package (substantive support to government administration)

GRI 103-1

GRI 103-2



PSE, participants of the electricity market

In particular material to owner and participants of the electricity market

Focus on solutions aimed at adjusting the Polish Power System to the new design of the markets and new technologies (including the energy storage methods, e-mobility, distributed generation – energy from RES)

GRI 103-1

GRI 103-1

GRI 103-1


PSE, participants of the electricity market,
as well as RES

In particular material to owner and participants of the electricity market,
as well as RES, environmental
and social impacts

Upgrading the methods and tools supporting the zonal balancing market

GRI 103-1

GRI 103-2


PSE, participants of the electricity market

In particular material to electricity market participants

Ethics and transparency in relations with business partners (including tendering procedures)

GRI 103-1

GRI 103-2

GRI 103-3


and integrity

Procurement practices


PSE, suppliers, contractors and subcontractors        


In particular material to suppliers, contractors and subcontractors

Requirements and standards of cooperation with contractors
and subcontractors (new method of contracting – implementation of the Contractor Qualification System)

GRI 103-1

GRI 103-2

Procurement practices


PSE, contractors and subcontractors       


In particular material to contractors
and subcontractors

Availability and transparency of company data material to business partners

GRI 103-1

Indirect economic impact


PSE, Customers


In particular material to customers

Responsibility at the workplace

Topics defined as material

Topics covered by GRI standards

of topic within the organisation

of topic outside the organisation

New Health Safety Environment Quality (HSEQ) management model

GRI 103-1

safety and health



In particular material to potential employees, contractors
and subcontractors

Employee health-promoting benefits and programmes

GRI 103-1




In particular material to potential employees

Pay level and employment conditions (job evaluation)

GRI 103-1

GRI 103-1




In particular material to potential employees

Training and method of ensuring employee development (including talent development programmes, incentive schemes)

GRI 103-1

GRI 103-1

GRI 103-1

GRI 103-1


and training



In particular material to potential employees

Building human capital – description of measures taken to foster future human resources, new competences within the organisation.

GRI 103-1

GRI 103-2

GRI 103-1

GRI 103-2




In particular material to potential employees

Method of dialogue with employees
(including complaint management)

GRI 103-1

GRI 103-2




In particular material to potential employees

Method of knowledge management in the organisation

 GRI 103-1

and training



In particular material to potential employees

Adaptive capacity of the Company: know-how, structures and internal procedures prepared for quick legislative changes taking place in the energy market, and the technical and organisational requirements of new solutions.

 GRI 103-1


Regulatory compliance



In particular material to potential employees
and the regulator

Value-based organisation culture

GRI 103-1

and integrity



In particular material to potential employees

Ethics in internal relations

GRI 103-1


and integrity



In particular material to potential employees

Responsibility to society

Topics defined as material

Topics covered by GRI standards

of topic within the organisation

of topic outside the organisation

Social communication around investment projects

GRI 103-1

GRI 103-2


Local community

PSE, local communities


In particular material to local communities

Winning social acceptance for line routes (including the acquisition of transmission rights of way)

GRI 103-1

GRI 103-2


Local community

PSE, local communities


In particular material to local communities

Dialogue and way of fostering relations with local authorities and social partners around projects being implemented

GRI 103-1

GRI 103-2


Local community

PSE, local communities


In particular material to local communities


Minimising the negative social impact of projects being implemented (noise, interference with the landscape)

GRI 103-1

GRI 103-2


Local community

PSE, local communities


In particular material to local communities


Promoting energy security knowledge and implemented educational programmes

GRI 103-1

Indirect economic impact

PSE, local communities


In particular material to local communities

Responsibility to the natural environment

Topics defined as material

Topics covered by GRI standards

of topic within the organisation

of topic outside the organisation

Responsibility to the natural environment in project implementation

GRI 103-1

GRI 103-1

GRI 103-1

Compliance with environmental regulations

Environmental assessment of suppliers

PSE, local communities


In particular material to local communities


Minimising impact on the natural environment in PSE's operations

GRI 103-1


PSE, local communities


In particular material to local communities

Preserving biodiversity in investment project implementation areas

GRI 103-1

Compliance with environmental regulations

Environmental assessment of suppliers

PSE, local communities


In particular material to local communities

Prudence principle

Detailed issues presented in the report are based on the updated Strategy of Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne, adopted by the Management Board, endorsed by the Supervisory Board and approved by the General Meeting of Shareholders. The management approach was presented in accordance with the procedures described in corporate governance regulations and standards in force at PSE. All published information presented in the report has been verified for compliance with internal documents of the company, and supervision of activities in the different areas is exercised by management staff. Strategic decisions are taken at the Management Board level.

Reliability of the report

GRI 102-56 The report was subjected to the internal and external assurance process. Reliability of the report, its content and compliance with guidelines was examined by the PSE CG Sustainable Development Team. External assurance was carried out by an independent unit whose choice was approved by the Management Board.

Introduction and objectives of work

Bureau Veritas Polska Sp. z o.o. (Bureau Veritas) has been engaged by Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne S.A. (PSE) to provide limited assurance of information and data prepared in accordance with GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards (GRI Standards), Core option, included in its “PSE Impact Report 2017” (the Report). This Assurance Statement applies to the related data and information included within the scope of work described below. 

Scope of work

The scope of our work was limited to assurance of information included in the Report for the period 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2017 over Universal Standards and Topic-specific Standards which are the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards, Core option (Selected Information).

Excluded from the scope of our work is any assurance of other information included in the Report.

Reporting Criteria

The Selected Information needs to be read and understood together with the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards 2016 as set out at https://www.globalreporting.org

Limitations and Exclusions

Excluded from the scope of our work is any verification of information relating to:

  • Activities outside the defined verification period;
  • Positional statements (expressions of opinion, belief, aim or future intention by PSE and statements of future commitment)
  • Information included in the section “Our contribution to the employment and economic development of Poland”.

This limited assurance engagement relies on a risk based selected sample of sustainability data and the associated limitations that this entails. The reliability of the reported data is dependent on the accuracy of metering and other production measurement arrangements employed at site level, not
addressed as part of this assurance. This independent statement should not be relied upon to detect all errors, omissions or misstatements that may exist.


This preparation and presentation of the Selected Information in the Report are the sole responsibility of the management of PSE.

Bureau Veritas was not involved in the drafting of the Report or the Reporting Criteria. Our responsibilities were to:

  • obtain limited assurance about whether the Selected Information has been prepared in accordance with the Reporting Criteria;
  • form an independent conclusion based on the assurance procedures performed and evidence obtained; and
  • report our conclusions to the Directors of PSE.

Assessment Standard

We performed our work in accordance with International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE) 3000 Revised, Assurance Engagements Other than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information (effective for assurance reports dated on or after December 15, 2015), issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board.

Summary of work performed

As part of our independent verification, our work included:

1. Assessing the appropriateness of the Reporting Criteria for the Selected Information;
2. Conducting interviews with relevant personnel of PSE;
3. Reviewing the data collection and consolidation processes used to compile Selected Information, including assessing assumptions made, and the data scope and reportingboundaries;
4. Reviewing documentary evidence provided by PSE; 
5. Agreeing a selection of the Selected Information to the corresponding source documentation;
6. Reviewing PSE’s systems for quantitative data aggregation and analysis;
7. Assessing the disclosure and presentation of the Selected Information to ensure consistency with assured information.

On the basis of our methodology and the activities described above:

  • Nothing has come to our attention to indicate that the Selected Information is not fairly stated in all material respects. 

Evaluation against GRI Standards
Based on our work, it is our opinion that “PSE Impact Report 2017” has been prepared in accordance with standards for sustainability reporting the GRI Standards, Core option.

Statement of Independence, Integrity and Competence
Bureau Veritas is an independent professional services company that specialises in quality, environmental, health, safety and social accountability with over 185 years history. Its assurance team has extensive experience in conducting verification over environmental, social, ethical and health and safety information, systems and processes. Bureau Veritas operates a certified1 Quality Management System which complies with the requirements of ISO 9001:2008, and accordingly maintains a comprehensive system of quality control including documented policies and procedures regarding compliance with ethical requirements, professional standards and applicable legal and regulatory requirements. 

Bureau Veritas has implemented and applies a Code of Ethics, which meets the requirements of the International Federation of Inspections Agencies (IFIA)2, across the business to ensure that its employees maintain integrity, objectivity, professional competence and due care, confidentiality, professional behaviour and high ethical standards in their day-to-day business activities.

BUREAU VERITAS POLSKA Sp. z o.o. Warszawa, February 2019


Thank you for reading our report.

Should you wish to share your opinion with us on the report, please send your comments to:

Małgorzata Jachimowska-Noworyta 
Sustainable Development Officer

With any questions concerning PSE's Impact Report, please contact:

Ady Konczalskiej-Boguckiej
Director of the Department of Communication

GRI 102-3

Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne S.A.
ul. Warszawska 165
05-520 Konstancin-Jeziorna

Zespól interdyscyplinarny, który uczestniczył w tworzeniu Raportu wpływu PSE prezentującego w sposób zintegrowany dane finansowe i niefinansowe za 2017 rok.

Marta Babicz
Andrzej Bartosik
Zbigniew Belina
Dominik Borowiec
Marta Borzyńska
Edyta Czarnecka
Adam Daramola
Marek Duk
Katarzyna Fryga
Eliza Gawlicka
Konrad Godzisz
Robert Guzik

Karol Jakubowski
Weronika Klewska
Jolanta Kmiecik
Dariusz Kołakowski
Magdalena Kozik
Magdalena Kwiatecka
Dorota Leduchowska-Gogacz
Mariusz Majewski
Tomasz Myrda
Tomasz Nowakowski
Łukasz Pawlak
Alicja Poznańska

Hubert Redkowiak
Marc Rutkowski
Magdalena Ryś-Przeszlakiewicz
Paweł Sadowski
Sławomir Smoktunowicz
Witold Smolik
Michał Stachyra
Marcin Stokowski
Elżbieta Szymańska
Małgorzata Traczyk
Mariusz Winnik
Sylwia Włodarczyk
Paweł Wójcik

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